Saturday, September 29, 2007


I am not a zoologist. I took a class once in college, but I did not retain most of the knowledge handed down to me in that class past the final exam. I do not pretend to know much of anything about any animal, let alone things like breeding habits or social structures. That said, I am almost certain that my apartment building is located next to some sort of incredible frog hive. I imagine it buried directly beneath my building, stretching for miles in all directions, worker frogs and soldier frogs quietly traversing its many tunnels and passageways while the queen frog lies in a great chamber at the center, pumping out more loyal servants.

They're everywhere, you see. Not during the day of course, oh no. During the day, there are only the standard enormous, deadly spiders to contend with. But at night, under cover of darkness, they begin to emerge from their subterranean lair. On breaching the surface, they quickly fan out, establishing control of the apartment's lower level. Then they start to climb.

A lot of nights, I get home pretty late, and on those nights the stairs are covered with frogs. I'm forced to tread lightly and watch my step, for fear of squashing these gentle creatures. Sometimes, I get to the top of the stairs in time to see one of them jump off the edge in fear, plunging into the dark abyss. A moment later, I hear a tiny 'thap!' as it hits the ground. I always wonder if they survive.

The first time I ever noticed the frogs was one night my first week here, when I saw one sitting on my back window. I'm not sure what he was doing there, exactly, but he was very intent on doing it. I ran and grabbed my camera for fear that I would never see him again. Turns out he really likes that window.

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