Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Behold the Power of Bunai

Tonight's post is going to be pretty short (unlike my other posts up to this point) and uninspired (exactly like my other posts up to this point) because I'm tired and don't particularly feel like writing, but I know if I don't keep it up I'll get out of the habit and never write in this thing again.

I don't think I've mentioned Bunai-san yet, so let me go ahead and do that now. Bunai works at the BOE in some capacity which I'm still not entirely sure I understand. I've already told you about Ago, who is for certain and for sure my direct supervisor, but occasionally Bunai will show up as well, either with something for me to do, or to help me with some trial and/or tribulation that I'm facing at the moment. I like to think of him as a kind of mega-supervisor, but I would guess that's not his official job title.

Bunai has friends all over Masuda, all of them ready and willing to do Bunai a favor whenever he should need it. I worry sometimes that maybe he's some kind of big-time Yakuza boss who rules his territory with an iron fist; then I realize that if such were the case, he would probably have better things to do than work at the BOE and help stupid foreigners find used cars.

That's exactly what he did today, though, and I'm grateful for it. I'd been searching for a car for a while, and I'd all but given up hope. You see, for me shopping for cars in Japan is like shopping for shoes in Japan; absolutely everything is too small. Luckily, Bunai had a friend at the place we went to today who had been on the lookout for a car big enough to fit me, and sure enough, this one was perfect. Not only was it big enough for me on the inside, it was small enough on the outside that driving it didn't feel like piloting the Titanic. After test-driving it around the parking lot a bit, we went back inside and the salesman showed us the price sheet.

"It's going to be 378,000 yen," he said.

Bunai looked down at the price sheet and then up again, frowning a bit. "Don't you mean that it's 280,000 yen?" he asked, the hard glint in his eyes suggesting that he already knew the answer.

The man smiled back at him nervously and replied, "Yes, 280,000 yen is very good."

I'll bet it is.


Anonymous said...

Hey Blake!!! Seth and I were just reading your blog, and had to send a note your way. We really enjoyed reading about your experiences so far in Japan. I still can't believe that you are in Japan!!! I knew you had left to go somewhere, however, because you haven't called me lately with any type of MetLife Insurance customer relations surveys. LOL
We miss you, and will be keeping in touch. Love, Aunt Becky & Seth

Anonymous said...

Blake...remember Traditional Jack-o-Lanterns is what they expect..not Darth Vader, Froto, or any of your other designs from years past! Love you bunches, Mom